Boost Your Blog Traffic – SEO Tips & Techniques For WordPress Sites

We have all gone through how and why WordPress is a wonderful platform to run blogs. It’s easy to use, secured and is very colorful. Apart from maintaining blogs, we also find SEO a key technique to be used in order to get more traffic and fulfill your purpose of blogging. In order to optimize your WP blog, certain tips and techniques are to be followed which is discussed here.

Website SEO Key Technique – Increase Your Organic Traffic

Enriching SEO Practices in WordPress

If you are new to blogging, you are advised to go through articles on SEO and also try hands-on tips and tricks that are mentioned here. Online forums and websites like can help you optimize your blogs to be indexed at a higher position in multiple search engines.

Let’s find out 5 most important factors and SEO tricks for your WP rescue.

  • WordPress Permalink:

Wordpress Permalinks Change Image

A post permalink is one of the stepping stones in WP blog optimization. Using permalinks can help you get more traffic and get good index. Permalinks can be referred to as the link to the page and many bloggers don’t change their links with keywords which troubles them in getting traffic.
  • XML Sitemap:

 A sitemap refers to a document that keeps the page organization of a website. This must be verified by Google Webmaster in order to gain a better rank in search engine. The document also should be highly optimized for search engines.

  •  Write Keyword optimized quality content:

Keyword Images

Keywords are the king in search engine optimization. SEO is a lot about games of keywords. Ranging from posts to web contents, one must use a lot of related keywords and use them in links so that these get good visibility in search engines. The keywords must be set on basis of trends in the search engine. Here are some suggestions to pick keywords-

a) Write easy to read text                                                                                              b) Avoid Grammar mistakes                                                                                          c) Avoid spelling mistakes                                                                                              d) Stay organized around topic                                                                                    e) Create unique content

  • Better Anchor Text:

Anchor text is a text written on a post which is provided with links so that the users can click to get more information on the data or can simply get a better reference to the facts. Anchoring texts are a basic technique to increase visibility and boost SEO in your WP blogs.

Here are some points to consider while selecting anchor texts-

a) You should give descriptive anchor text, it should provide some info about the linked page.
b) Do not use generic anchor text like “Click here”, ”page”, ”article”.
c) Do not use page URL directly as an anchor text.
d) Avoid concise anchor text, don’t use long descriptive anchor text.

  • Use Robots.txt:

A robots.txt file gives information regarding access of content by the search engine and the permission to index it on its SE. One can optimally edit their file in order to allow or disallow the crawlers in search engines to index your contents. For good SEO practice, it is always advisable to provide access to the best of the contents.

A WordPress blog with such basic SEO tricks can create wonders for you and can enhance your blog rank which will increase traffic and profits for you.

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